If you are planning to sell your property, then you should know that the front yard and backyard would determine how much you fetch from the sale. You might spend time and money on the insides of the property, but if the outside screams for attention, then potential buyers will look away.
One way to give life to your backyard and front yard is through bush regeneration. However, merely uprooting invasive weeds and planting native plants will not cut it. Therefore, you have to be careful when conducting bush regeneration because any mistakes will end up hurting the property. This article highlights errors you should avoid when undertaking a bush regeneration project on your compound.
Not Learning About the Invasive Weeds -- Bush regeneration does not mean pulling out plants that you do not like. If you do this, you might remove plants that are important to the soil as well as other vegetation on the compound. Some of these plants are a habitat for insects that help promote soil health. Notably, before you begin pulling up plants from your property make sure that you have learned about invasive flora. If you are not sure about a particular plant, then leave it intact. The best place to gain knowledge about invasive and non-invasive plants is at the local library where you can find publications on local vegetation. You can also use the internet and narrow down your search to your locality.
Going Fast -- The need to put the property up for sale might trigger the urge to remove all invasive plants in one go. The downside of doing so is that you expose the topsoil to direct sunlight thereby drying it up and rendering it useless for the new native plants. To avoid the exposure, proceed with the project slowly. For instance, if you start with the front yard, choose a particular spot and get it over with before moving to the next place. Doing so will help maintain soil moisture, which is essential for bush regeneration.
Not Knowing Which Plants to Replant -- The fact that a plant is native to your locale does not necessarily mean that it will thrive in your yard. Some plants do well in swampy areas while others flourish in sloppy areas with good drainage. For instance, if your property has many trees that provide shade over the plants below, then replanting a native vegetation that needs direct sunlight to blossom will not work. Therefore, make sure that you know which plants you exactly need in the bush regeneration exercise.